Tomorrow 12 °C
Midday 30°C
Evening 21°C
Today's doctor's appointment, which has so far prevented us from taking a longer trip, is over at 10:10 a.m. - we're leaving at 11:00 a.m.! Yes, Norway is actually our destination - but we don't really believe it anymore. In the course of the afternoon it becomes a reality - from Saturday, August 8th at midnight, Norway will no longer allow Swiss nationals to enter without quarantine. We can't do it!
Yes, and then there is the excavator driver who would surely prefer to hide in the smallest mouse hole. He tore down a high-voltage power line near the A7 with his excavator bucket. It also crashed onto the motorway --> full closure. The mega-traffic jam cost us about 2 hours.
So we didn't reach our destination for the day, the parking spot in Lipoldsberg that we knew so well, until around 8.30 p.m. But luckily it was still early enough to enjoy a delicious Wiener schnitzel.
The beautiful evening atmosphere makes us forget our hardships.
Daily route: Flims - Lipoldsberg
Distance: 663 km
Travel time: 9 hours 01 minutes
Average consumption: 9.3 liters
Average speed 73 km/h
Pitch costs: 10 euros including water/electricity, without electricity
Tomorrow 14 °C
Midday 30°C
Evening 19°C
We start the engine at 5:00 a.m. - a wise decision! Without any traffic jams, we reach the Danish border at around 11:30 a.m.
To enter the country you need a booking confirmation from one or more campsites for a total of 6 nights.
Of course we did that properly. But today we were simply waved through at the border. No one was interested in the paper. Well, that's fine with us.
A short stop after the border. A short discussion about where we should go. We take the risk and drive to the island of Römö. The large (200 spaces) and beautifully laid out parking space is actually full. At the nearby campsite we still have a lot of choice at lunchtime and we quickly find our perfect spot. Shade is in high demand!
A first short bike trip takes us to the church of Kirkeby...
.... and to the photogenic fire station building.
The view out to the Wadden Sea.
The view out to the Wadden Sea.
Day route: Lipoldsberg - Romo Island
Distance: 526 km
Travel time: 7 hours 10 minutes
Average consumption: 8.3 liters
Average speed 73km/h
Camping costs: for two nights
390 Danish kroner including VAT, without electricity
Tomorrow 18 °C
Noon 31°C
Evening 23°C
We start the day leisurely. Enjoy our breakfast and do a little shopping first.
At around 11am we start our e-bike tour and pass the oldest and smallest school in Denmark.
We drive through beautiful countryside, explore the campsites along the way and of course also want to go to the car beach at Lakolk.
And lo and behold, for once you can reach your destination faster by bike than by car. Even at midday, there is still a long traffic jam on the dam and on the access road to the beach.
It's amazing what's on the beach. Car next to car, motorhome next to motorhome, etc.
Can you really do this voluntarily?
Some people are lying in the sand between the cars. The line at the toilet is loooooong!
We watch the hustle and bustle for a while, but our stomachs tell us it's time for a late lunch.
We know the small fish pub in the harbor of Havneby from our visit in 2018 and it does not disappoint us today either!
In the end it is 54 kilometers - that surprises us, the island is not that small after all.
Daily distance with the motorhome: 0 km
Tomorrow 18 °C
Noon 27°C
Evening 21°C
We leave the hot and crowded island of Rømø and leisurely gondola northwards.
First we take a detour to the Kammerslusen. Since the bridge can only support 2 tons, we have to go back the same way, but it's not far.
*The Man by the Sea" of course we also have to stop at this sight near Esbjerg.
An oven-like heat hits us as we get out.
It's going to be a hot day.
Our journey continues to the well-known and popular Henne Strand.
What a surprise when we got out - very pleasant temperatures with a light breeze that was almost cool in the shade.
And here our feet dip into the water for the first time. Phew, it's cold!
In the beach café we enjoy our well-earned lunch - moules with frites - delicious.
The drive to Hvide Sande is varied and we like it. We find what we are looking for at the second parking spot we come to.
The Pfüdinase is almost directly on the water, on the Ringkobing Fjord. The number of motorhomes is wonderfully limited. Only about 10 motorhomes are here until the end of the day, we are just on the fjord and not on the sea behind the dunes.
So we don't have a sunset right in front of us, but the peace and quiet and the beautiful place are more important to us after the hustle and bustle of Rømø.
Daily route: Insel Römö - Hvide Sande
Distance: 169 km
Travel time: 3 hours 23 minutes
Average consumption: 9 liters
Average speed 50km/h
Pitch costs: 150 DKK incl. water/electricity