Tomorrow 14 °C
Noon 23°C
Evening 13°C
Today is a normal driving day. We just want to drive further east towards Lithuania.
We do a little shopping on the way, have a nice lunch break and when we arrive at our destination for the day we simply enjoy the beautiful location by the lake and the peace and quiet.
A motorhome from Austria is still here, but the people have no desire to chat.
Daily route: Znin - Pelnik
Distance: 259 km
Average consumption: 7.8 liters
Average speed: 59 km/h
Travel time: 4 hours 18 minutes
Pitch cost: 77 zloty including toilet emptying
Tomorrow 8°C
Noon 16°C
Evening 12 °C
Today is another normal day of driving with our obligatory lunch break.
At the end of the day we are already quite close to the border with Lithuania and now have until tomorrow to decide which border crossing we want to take.
We like the large and green parking space. We are here with a Dutchman and three Finns.
Daily route: Pelnik - Suwalki
Distance: 231 km
Average consumption: 9.0 liters
Average speed: 55 km/h
Travel time: 4 hours 8 minutes
Pitch cost: 65.Zloty incl. water/electricity, we do not charge electricity
Tomorrow 9°C
Noon 15°C
Evening 13°C
We decide on the small border crossing.
What immediately strikes us is that Lithuania has many small, beautiful rest areas.
At the first place we climb a small observation tower. Lithuania has no mountains, but many observation towers or stairs on smaller and larger hills from where you can admire the rivers, lakes and landscape.
In Merkiné the tower is much higher and also has interesting architecture.
We continue to Trakai Water Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Will we find a parking space? It is said to be the most visited tourist attraction in Lithuania!
We choose a large parking lot with a barrier, our license plate is scanned and we're in.
There are two PW's there!!!!
A beautiful walk takes us to the castle, which we visit from the outside and inside.
We like it and the tourists only come in high season. The flow of visitors is very limited.
On the way back, it is almost 6 p.m., we spontaneously end up in a restaurant by the lake and enjoy a delicious dinner.
We just stay in the parking lot overnight. No one bothers us, we are completely alone here!
Day route: Suwalki – Trakai, Lithuania
Distance: 214 km
Average consumption: 9.0 liters
Average speed: 56 km/h
Travel time: 3 hours 41 minutes
Parking space costs: 17 euros parking fee, including waste bin and toilet emptying
Tomorrow 5°C
Noon 10°C
Evening 9°C
Off to Vilnius! The sun only appears briefly between the clouds.
There could be rain from about 4 p.m.
Today, too, we drive excitedly to the parking lot where motorhomes are also allowed to park.
The number is scanned and we go in. There are 4 motorhomes there, we have plenty of room!
We like the city very much and the lunch is excellent. We are pleasantly surprised by the Lithuanian cuisine. The first few drops of rain fall around 2 p.m. It's time for us to move on.
We don't want to spend the night in this parking lot tonight.
We continue on to Kernavé. Here, too, a UNESCO World Heritage Site is waiting to be visited by us. But we'll do that tomorrow.
Today we land at Patrick's campsite. He has created a unique world on the huge grounds of a collective farm. Staying here is a fantastic and special experience!
Patrick is French, speaks several languages and is just a nice guy.
We are his only guests and receive a private tour through his world.
Tagesstrecke: Trakai - Vilnius - Kernavé
Distance: 73 km
Average consumption: 9.7 liters
Average speed: 31 km/h
Travel time: 2 hours 17 minutes
Pitch costs: 20 euros including water/electricity
Tomorrow 10°C
Noon 12°C
Evening 11 °C
We say a warm goodbye to Patrick and, despite the drizzle, we set off to discover the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Karnavé. After all, there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing, and we are well equipped.
The rain holds off and so we don't even get too wet.
We are a little unsure where we should continue our journey today – but then we decide on the open-air museum in Rumsiskes, the Ballenberg of Lithuania, so to speak.
We are using the rainy season to work on the homepage. More information on this later.
4:30 p.m. and the sun is coming out more and more. So off to the open-air museum. Since the buildings are already closing at 5 p.m., we choose the senior admission fee of 2 euros each, which allows us to wander around the entire park and look at everything from the outside.
The whole circuit is 7 km long. We don't do the whole circuit, but we spend a good hour in the area. We like it and nobody cares about the entrance fee we paid, so we can still look inside a few houses, especially since they don't all close at 5 p.m.
A successful and beautiful end to the day.
Today we just stay in the parking lot and share the huge area with four German motorhomes.
And oh wonder – everyone at a safe distance – no cuddly campers!
Day route: Karnavé - Rumsiskes
Distance: 69 km
Average consumption: 9.5 liters
Average speed: 47 km/h
Travel time: 1 hour 26 minutes
Parking space costs: 2 Euro parking fee including waste bin, nothing else
Tomorrow 5°C
Noon 18°C
Evening 16 °C
Will the parking lot in Kaunas be just as empty? It's very easy to get there and we're on the road early, but oops - it's really busy today, Saturday. The market is right next door, that explains everything! But we're lucky and find a gap, and soon we're on our way to explore this city too.
In short, Kaunas is nice, but we liked Vilnius better.
The pedestrian zone of Kaunas is long, several kilometers long.
The mountains are missing, so we just walk through the city.
It is too early for lunch so we leave Kaunas and head west.
On the way we stop at Raudonés Castle and Panemuné Castle.
In Jurbarkas we're done for today. The campsite here is simply amazing. We'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
Day route: Rumsiskes - Jurbarkas
Distance: 115 km
Average consumption: 9.1 liters
Average speed: 47 km/h
Travel time: 2 hours 24 minutes
Pitch costs: 20 euros including water/supply, including electricity
Tomorrow 4°C
Noon 16°C
Evening 14 °C
We're staying! Work is calling!
Cleaning, doing laundry and, above all, updating the homepage!
At the beginning of the week we received the news that the move of our homepage to the new provider will be delayed until August.
So we decided to record the first two weeks of our trip and continue as usual from tomorrow.
This means that the route, including the sights and the overnight accommodation, is updated daily and the travel report for the previous week is published every Sunday.
We are aware that if we are unlucky we will have to recreate this entire trip on the new homepage as it will not be broadcast.
But we are willing to take this risk. We would be delighted if many people would follow our journey again.
But there is still time to relax in between and a little exploration tour with the e-bikes is a must.
We wish you a good start into the new week!
Pitch costs: 20 euros, including water/supply, including electricity