Tomorrow 8 °C
Noon 14°C
Evening 12°C
Yay, the apartment has been renovated and the new tenants have moved in. Nothing stands in the way of our next trip. So off to France. The still somewhat mixed weather doesn't bother us at all - the main thing is that we are on the road. We really like the parking spot we came across by chance in Baume-les-Dames. A perfect start to this trip.
Day route: Flims - Baume les Dames
Distance: 349 km
Average consumption: 8.6 liters
Average speed 73 km/h
Travel time: 4 hours 43 minutes
Pitch costs: 11.60 Euro including water/electricity, without electricity
Tomorrow 9°C
Noon 15°C
Evening 12 °C
And we continue on, following our nose. Sometimes on the motorway for a short time and then through beautiful landscapes.
This is how we reach the very popular parking space in Saint-Poursain-sur-Sioule. A walk through the town and enjoying the sun in front of the motorhome are a must.
Tagsstrecke: Baume les Dames - Saint Pourcain sur Sioule
Distance: 317 km
Average consumption: 9.6 liters
Average speed 65 km/h
Travel time: 4 hours 47 minutes
Pitch costs: 0 Euro including water/electricity, without electricity
Tomorrow 7°C
Noon 17°C
Evening 11°C
Chàteau Val - and in the restaurant right next door we enjoy our first lunch out.
Oops, have we landed in Sweden? No, spontaneously and by chance at Lac de Feyt near the Dordogne. We can enjoy the evening sun for a long time.
Tagsstrecke: Saint Pourcain sur Sioule - Lac de Feyt
Distance: 252 km
Average consumption: 9.6 liters
Average speed 50 km/h
Travel time: 4 hours 57 minutes
Pitch costs: 5 euros including water/electricity, without electricity
Tomorrow 8°C
Noon 18°C
Evening 12°C
Château Castelnau - imposing!
Tagesstrecke: Lac de Feyt - Carennac
Distance: 71 km
Average consumption: 8.6 liters
Average speed 33 km/h
Travel time: 2 hours 5 minutes
Pitch costs: 6 euros including water/electricity, without electricity
Tomorrow 5°C
Noon 18°C
Evening 14 °C
Magic in green - the gardens of Eyrignac
Tagesstrecke: Carennac - Vézac
Distance: 88 km
Average consumption: 8.8 liters
Average speed 35 km/h
Travel time: 2 hours 27 minutes
Pitch costs: 16 euros including water/electricity, ACSI
Tomorrow 8°C
Noon 19°C
Evening 13 °C
La Roque-Gageac
The view from Domme over the countryside and the Dordogne.
Chateau Beynac
Today we rode our e-bikes from one sight to the next in glorious autumn weather. A little patience was required, but around midday the fog suddenly cleared and made way for the sun. The light in the evening was particularly beautiful.
Pitch costs: 16 euros including water/electricity, including electricity, ACSI