Thursday, June 10, Week 1

Tomorrow 12 °C

Noon 24°C

Evening 18°C

On Wednesday afternoon, I, Heidi, received the second vaccination. I digested it so well that we spontaneously headed south today. Shortly before lunch, at 11.30 a.m., I quickly do the required rapid test at the pharmacy. I need it to enter France and Spain. Hansruedi has been fully vaccinated for three weeks and can therefore enter both countries without a test. So now we have

48 hours to reach Spain.

We are on the road shortly after 1 p.m. and reach Nantua shortly after 8 p.m. In between there are one or two short traffic jams, a few short stops to stretch our legs and have a bite to eat.

Oh yes, there was also the border crossing into France. The rush hour was already over and so we entered the country without waiting, without traffic jams and without any controls.

In Nantua, the streets are partially flooded and closed, cellars are being pumped out and the lake is partially overflowing its banks. There was a huge thunderstorm here. We are glad we didn't arrive earlier.

We easily find a corner on the parking spot and let the day come to an end.

We go to bed early....

Pitch in Nantua

Daily route: Flims - Nantua

Distance: 470 km

Average consumption: 8.9 liters

Average speed 82 km/h

Travel time: 5 hours 41 minutes

​​​​​​​Pitch costs: free incl. V/E

Friday, June 11

Tomorrow 12 °C

Noon 29°C

Evening 26 °C

.... and we get up early. The alarm goes off at 5 a.m. This gives us enough time for our obligatory two morning coffees. We start the engine shortly after the curfew ends, which is at 6 a.m.

The motorway is our faithful companion today. It's not cheap but it's the best way to get to Spain quickly. We find the traffic volume to be moderate in our opinion and in comparison with previous years. Fortunately, the biggest traffic jam near Lyon is on the opposite lane.

Shortly after 3 p.m. we check in at the parking space in Roses. It is quite busy by the evening.

Tired but satisfied, we take a walk to the sea. Breathing in the sea air is a must.

Make some plans, cook a little something (we are too tired to go to a restaurant), arrive and go to bed early again today.

Pitch in Roses

Tagsstrecke: Nantua - Roses

Distance: 617 km

Average consumption: 9.0 liters

Average speed 84 km/h

Travel time: 7 hours 18 minutes

​​​​​​​Pitch costs: 15 euros incl. V/E

Saturday, June 12

Tomorrow 19°C

Midday 30°C

Evening 27 °C

The parking space is quite close to the road and there is no shade. The weather over the weekend is sunny and hot. But we want a break. Take a deep breath, arrive and wind down. Before breakfast we take a look at the nearby campsite and decide to stay here a little longer.

We moved quickly. The cheapest and smallest ACSI pitches are almost all taken. We are happy to invest 3 euros more and have plenty of space, space and peace.

Camping Salatà, Roses

At lunchtime, there is a leisurely e-bike ride along the beach promenade to the last turnaround loop. An aperitif and lunch are also a must.

Daily distance: 0 km

​​​​​​​Pitch costs: 23 euros including water/supply, including electricity

Sunday, June 13

Tomorrow 20°C

Noon 31°C

Evening 28°C

The day is quickly described. A leisurely breakfast, a lovely e-bike tour, relaxing in the afternoon, working on the website, enjoying an aperitif, cooking something small... In this glorious weather, lots of people are strolling through Roses and populating the bars and restaurants - we are happy to give them the space.

Daily distance: 0 km

​​​​​​​Pitch costs: 23 euros including water/supply, including electricity

Continue to week 2
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