Tomorrow 18 °C
Noon 31°C
Evening 23°C
We are the only ones on the pitch at the summer pool in Greiz and so we have the shower all to ourselves, a private bathroom! Of course we use it!
It's already hot and oppressive at 10 a.m. Shopping at Kaufland Greiz makes us sweat! At least the walk from the parking lot to the store ;-)
Then we just chug north on this oppressively hot day. We make good progress.
The pitch we chose is in the forest and offers shade. Perfect.
Another short walk to explore the area, but we don't see the old Elbe, it's too far away.
Today we are cooking ourselves, serving outside, and doing so at 5 p.m. A wise decision. We have barely swallowed the last bite when the first drops of rain fall.
It rains on and off throughout the evening, but fortunately the heavy rain with the risk of hail that was forecast does not materialize. Later, the sky turns blue again and it is and remains hot.
Day route: Greiz - Bertingen on the old Elbe
Distance: 264 km
Average consumption: 8.3 liters
Average speed: 66 km/h
Travel time: 3 hours 58 minutes
Pitch costs: Pitch La Porte near Bertingen, 15 euros, grey water free of charge, everything else costs extra
Tomorrow 18°C
Noon 28°C
Evening 23 °C
The day starts sunny. But the first rain soon catches up with us. It starts shortly after our shopping stop. However, we drive away from the storm and so it is not as bad as it seems.
Our lunch stop today is at a small but beautiful rest area on the highway and the sun is shining again.
At around 1:30 p.m. we reach the parking spot we were aiming for in Schwerin. We are lucky and manage to get a spot. The space is not as spacious as last night, but we are quite happy.
We cycle into the city with the e-bikes, past the castle, through the park and also through the old town.
Since most restaurants serve hot meals all day, you can have a delicious dinner at 4:30 p.m. The dark clouds become more numerous and so we head home and arrive dry. Luckily, there is no heavy rain.
Day route: Bertingen on the old Elbe - Schwerin
Distance: 181 km
Average consumption: 8.9 liters
Average speed: 58 km/h
Travel time: 3 hours 6 minutes
Pitch costs: Pitch Am Erlenbruch, Schwerin 20 Euro, including water/electricity, electricity extra,
Tomorrow 18 °C
Noon 23°C
Evening 20 °C
Our plan for today is set. First, we'll go shopping at the nearby Kaufland and then fill up the gas tank. The heat of the last few days has put a lot of strain on the refrigerator and we've used up a lot of gas. Until today, we've always been without electricity - it's been going out all over the place.
And finally, we don't want to drive far today so that we can enjoy the sunny weather to the fullest.
But sometimes things turn out differently than you think. Our satnav says we'll reach our destination in 78 kilometers - that's right.
First problem: After shopping, we have to take an annoying detour because the entrance to the highway is closed.
Second problem: At some point we get the idea. Our satnav is sure to take the ferry from Priwall to Travemünde. Oops, does it take motorhomes? The last few kilometers to the ferry are narrow and there is a lot of excursion traffic. It ends 500 meters before the ferry. From here on we have to queue and we still don't know if we can cross with the motorhome. We turn around without further ado. That means going back a few kilometers.
Third problem: The entrance to the next highway that we should take is closed. This means the detour is getting longer and longer.
Fourth problem: On our new route we cross the river Trave. This bridge is raised when there is boat traffic and this happens exactly when we want to cross. So please wait.
So our route today is suddenly 122 km long and takes over an hour longer.
But we were lucky on the huge parking lot in Travemünde and got a nice corner spot with lots of space.
It is now already 1:30 p.m. and we are hungry, so we satisfy our hunger with a burger and French fries in the nearby Huxmann Pavilion.
And then we set off on a wonderful e-bike tour along the Baltic Sea. The pictures below speak for themselves.
The Travemünde Week starts this weekend with lots of hustle and bustle. Preparations are in full swing. A colorful affair!
Then the parking space will probably be even fuller than it is now. But we certainly won't be there then!
Day route: Schwerin - Travemünde
Distance: 122 km
Average consumption: 8.7 liters
Average speed: 45 km/h
Travel time: 2 hours 42 minutes
Pitch costs: Travemünde pitch 12 euros, including water/electricity, electricity extra
Tomorrow 17°C
Noon 21°C
Evening 18 °C
It's supposed to rain a lot today. Now, by the time we've showered, had breakfast, tidied up and disposed of our rubbish, not a drop has fallen. So it's not that bad.
But we don't want to stay here. We chug along the Baltic coast and realize once again that traveling is educational. Timmendorfer Strand is not just a beach - no, it's the name of a place, a big tourist destination.
Out of curiosity, we look at two more parking spots on our route and are happy that we made the right decision yesterday to stay in Travemünde.
In Heiligenhafen we stop at Edeka. Denmark is not far away and we still have a bag full of empty bottles with deposit. We also do a last bit of shopping in Germany and decide to have our lunch break here in the parking lot with our small salad buffet. There is surprisingly little going on here today and we have plenty of space.
Full of curiosity, we drive to the ferry port in Puttgarden. How long will we have to wait?
But there's no need to wait - the next ferry leaves in 25 minutes and it's not even full. Things can be different at weekends during peak season.
45 minutes later we roll onto Danish soil, drive quickly through customs and reach our destination for the day - the parking space in Sakskobing - just before 4 p.m. Only a third of the 12 spaces are occupied. A Norwegian, two Danes and a Dutchman are there - very pleasant.
We end the afternoon comfortably and later enjoy the first raclette of this trip.
Day route: Travemünde - Sakskobing, Denmark
Distance: 132 km
Average consumption: 9.2 liters
Average speed: 43 km/h
Travel time: 3 hours 2 minutes
Pitch costs: 25 euros, including water/supply, including electricity
Tomorrow 17 °C
Noon 21°C
Evening 21 °C
We briefly consider whether we should stay. In the end we decide to keep going. Just not too far, the weather is better than the forecast said.
At the first parking spot we head to shortly before 12 o'clock, the nicest corner spot is free. And we're there and staying! Arriving around midday is usually ideal, and this is also evident here.
So today we first treat ourselves to our small salad buffet.
Then we set off on our e-bikes towards Copenhagen. The sun is shining, the temperatures are very pleasant, we enjoy every meter!
But Copenhagen has to wait - after 10 kilometers we turn around and drive back comfortably.
We sizzle some delicious chicken legs on our small gas grill and discuss which of the fancy boats bobbing in the water in front of us we could buy. (But 1 million is nowhere near enough!!) ;-)
Oh yes, we also saw a lot of great properties today.
Hmmm....., we're definitely sticking with our Pfüdi!!
Day route: Sakskobing, Denmark - Greve
Distance: 119 km
Average consumption: 9 liters
Average speed: 70 km/h
Travel time: 1 hour 42 minutes
Pitch cost: 175 DK, incl. water/electricity
Tomorrow 17 °C
Noon 23°C
Evening 21 °C
Copenhagen - we have driven past this city so many times. It is not easy to spend the night in a motorhome. There are actually not enough parking spaces.
There is one outside the cruise terminals, but you can only book it online. We spontaneously checked the website yesterday late in the afternoon. And lo and behold, there are still spaces available for today and, what a miracle, there is even a corner space still available.
You're standing in a very tight space and a corner is worth its weight in gold.
So I looked, booked and paid!
You can enter from 12 o'clock sharp. We received the code for the barrier by email and we arrived at exactly 12.01 o'clock! That's what you call Swiss punctuality ;-)
From here you can easily reach the city by public transport or you can set off on a journey of discovery by bike. We opted for the e-bikes. The final journey was 20 kilometers.
And now just a collection of our impressions of this city.
Daily route: Greve- Copenhagen
Distance: 39 km
Average consumption: 10.6 liters
Average speed: 45 km/h
Travel time: 0 hours 50 minutes
Pitch cost: 335 DK, incl. water/electricity
Tomorrow 18 °C
Noon 20°C
Evening 20 °C
Yesterday there were only two cruise ships at the terminals. Today every terminal is full, which means three ships have arrived. A long line of people are making their way to the nearby bus station with their suitcases and the line is already very long. So anyone who wants to take the bus into town from their parking space today will need a lot of patience! We insist on putting our Pfüdi in front of the largest ship as a photo model.
Yesterday the weather surprised us in a positive way and today it is exactly the opposite.
Actually, it should already be bright and friendly, but instead the fog is quite low and it is drizzling.
Since we are already in the north of Copenhagen, we decide to take the ferry from Helsingor to Helsingborg, Sweden. And this ferry was actually waiting for us. We had barely turned off the engine when the ferry set off and half an hour later we had Swedish soil under our wheels.
The fog stays with us. We head for a parking space near Varberg. Luckily the gate is open so we can take a look around before paying. The place is in a beautiful location and there are still plenty of free spaces - that's perfect.
It's only 2:30 p.m., but we think that's enough for today. Even though the weather is better up north at the moment, we don't want to rush. And lo and behold, we're soon rewarded.
The fog finally clears and soon the sun shines from an almost cloudless sky.
So we explore the peninsula on which we are standing on a long walk and enjoy the views of Varberg Castle and the beautiful old bathhouse.
We explored both extensively on our first trip to Scandinavia in 2015, so today we will content ourselves with the view.
We cook ourselves a delicious dinner, work on the homepage and simply enjoy the beautiful evening.
Day route: Copenhagen - Varberg, Sweden
Distance: 205 km
Average consumption: 9 liters
Average speed: 66 km/h
Travel time: 3 hours 4 minutes
Pitch cost: 300 SEK, incl. water/electricity